

Stephane Desneux []

  • Login: kooltux
  • Registered on: 09/10/2021
  • Last sign in: 09/10/2021


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 1 3
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
redpesk Factory Developer, Reporter 09/13/2021
redpesk OS Developer, Reporter 09/13/2021



09:47 AM redpesk OS Feature #62: modbus-binding should support RTU Modbus in addition to TCP Modbus
As the modbus binding is using libmodbus for low level protocol, the answer for supporting RTU mode mostly depends on... Stephane Desneux []


04:43 PM redpesk OS Feature #27 (In Progress): canbus-binding: add support for per-signal endianness (was: Little endian encoded uint16 are not properly decoded by canbus-binding)
Stephane Desneux []
01:47 PM redpesk OS Feature #27: canbus-binding: add support for per-signal endianness (was: Little endian encoded uint16 are not properly decoded by canbus-binding)
After reading the code, I found a solution :)
In fact, the multibyte integers are always decoded in big endian mod...
Stephane Desneux []

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