

Valentin Geffroy

  • Login: val-gfr
  • Registered on: 07/06/2023
  • Last connection: 07/06/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 2 2
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
redpesk Factory Developer, Reporter 07/06/2023
redpesk OS Developer, Reporter 07/06/2023



02:24 PM redpesk OS Feature #61 (Resolved): Enable internet access on the SolidSense
Valentin Geffroy


12:17 PM redpesk OS Feature #61: Enable internet access on the SolidSense
After some development, the LTE connection is enabled on the board:
``` shell
[root@localhost ~]# ip a
1: lo: <LOO...
Valentin Geffroy


11:03 AM redpesk OS Feature #61: Enable internet access on the SolidSense
Valentin Geffroy wrote in #note-4:
> After booting a redpesk OS image on the Solidrun Solidsense N8 Compact LTE, it s...
Valentin Geffroy
09:54 AM redpesk OS Feature #61: Enable internet access on the SolidSense
After booting a redpesk OS image on the Solidrun Solidsense N8 Compact LTE, it seems the 4G module isn't enabled. A d... Valentin Geffroy


04:59 PM redpesk OS Feature #61 (In Progress): Enable internet access on the SolidSense
Valentin Geffroy


03:22 PM redpesk OS Bug #48: Wifiap needs some workarounds to work
Valentin Geffroy wrote in #note-8:
> The framework includes a hard tempo of around 10 seconds. This explains why afm...
Valentin Geffroy
03:21 PM redpesk OS Bug #48 (Resolved): Wifiap needs some workarounds to work
Valentin Geffroy


03:27 PM redpesk OS Bug #48: Wifiap needs some workarounds to work
The framework includes a hard tempo of around 10 seconds. This explains why afm-util returned an error when the servi... Valentin Geffroy


04:58 PM redpesk OS Bug #48: Wifiap needs some workarounds to work
One solution which could work has been discussed with José:
- Add the "TimeoutStartSec=infinity" in the file /usr/lo...
Valentin Geffroy


10:14 AM redpesk OS Bug #48: Wifiap needs some workarounds to work
With Salma, we tried to solve both SAFT's issues:
- during the wifi-binding initialisation phase, we had the same err...
Valentin Geffroy

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