Feature #32
closedSolidSense: decreasing electricity consumption
Explore ways of decreasing the electricity consumption of the SolidSense board.
1) CPU frequency policy can be ajusted to "on demand" (powersave mode)
echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor
2) switch off unused chips at boot time ?
3) put the SolidSense in sleeping mode for a given time or until wake-up is triggered ?
4) ... ?
Updated by Sebastien Douheret [IoT.bzh] over 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from Vincent Rubiolo to Pierre Marzin
Updated by Pierre Marzin over 2 years ago
By default, the providing BSP does not control power consumption as all possibility is given to the user.
Knowing the use case, the environment, the connected equipments (or not) on the board is user dependent.
It is difficult to find a general case where the power consumption will be minimal and not block any other users.
However, putting cpu governor into "powersave" or "ondemand" could be done without affecting any user.
But turning off some component is more depending on final use case of the board (within the customer project). This will not be done by default into the BSP. Nevertheless, some "good" practice could be written into the redpesk documentation to provides ideas on how to disable some "useless" components. This is the same for Linux sleep mode.
Updated by Pierre Marzin over 2 years ago
Sleep mode into Linux: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v5.10/admin-guide/pm/sleep-states.html
Get available modes :
cat /sys/power/state
Specify a device to be able to wake the CPU on external event :echo enabled > /sys/devices/platform/soc@0/30800000.bus/30890000.serial/tty/ttymxc1/power/wakeup
Set a specific mode :echo freeze > /sys/power/state
Use ttymxc1 to wake up the board
Be careful. The sleep modes of Linux are hardware dependent and need to be supported by the board maker. If not supported, board could put into a strange mode and behave in an uncontrolled manner. This not redpesk dependent. This BSP vendor dependent.
Updated by Pierre Marzin about 2 years ago
Some tips are now available on the redpesk documentation here : https://docs.redpesk.bzh/docs/en/master/redpesk-os/boards/docs/boards/useful-cmd-lines.html#power-saving-management
Updated by Sebastien Douheret [IoT.bzh] almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved