

Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]

  • Login: juberae
  • Registered on: 03/10/2022
  • Last sign in: 03/10/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 12 12
Reported issues 3 42 45


Project Roles Registered on
redpesk Factory Reporter 03/10/2022
redpesk OS Reporter 03/10/2022



08:38 AM redpesk OS Feature #127: Additional canopen-binding features
It is ;) Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


04:41 PM redpesk Factory Feature #151 (New): Directories of applications
In a Redpesk Factory project, it would be interesting to be able to store applications in directories, especially whe... Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


11:25 AM redpesk Factory Feature #117 (Resolved): Launching tests on an app without test RPMs
Tested ok on 1.6.1. Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


10:59 AM redpesk OS Feature #127 (Resolved): Additional canopen-binding features
In addition to the features canopen-binding currently includes we would like to add two new features:
1. Number of...
Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


03:40 PM redpesk Factory Feature #37 (Resolved): SAFT Factory should take latest rpms into account
Updates are pushed every Saturdays to the SAFT factory. Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]
03:35 PM redpesk OS Bug #82: jq problem in afb-test
The following jq error is displayed when launching the tests within openSUSE with command `sudo afm-test package pack... Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


03:07 PM redpesk Factory Feature #117 (Resolved): Launching tests on an app without test RPMs
When one requires a test for an application that doesn't include any test binding, the factory launches qemu anyway a... Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


04:24 PM redpesk OS Feature #62: modbus-binding should support RTU Modbus in addition to TCP Modbus
We use modbus-binding to get values from the ANDIVI RHT sensor.
When issuing several read commands for temperature /...
Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]


02:27 PM redpesk OS Support #63: Access to a second CAN bus
Solidrun confirmed the feasibility of this feature and provided us with some indications. One of our engineer is curr... Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]
02:15 PM redpesk OS Support #34: What's the right way to launch "dnf install..." from within a non-root binding ?
Priority decreased to normal as a workaround was developed to allow installation of rpms with `dnf`. Emmanuel Jubera [SAFT]

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