Feature #27
closedcanbus-binding: add support for per-signal endianness (was: Little endian encoded uint16 are not properly decoded by canbus-binding)
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Hardware platform:
Desktop SDK (openSUSE Leap 15.3)
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OS Fix Version/s:
Canplayer was used to send message 0x601 = 0x010203 to canbus-binding (can0 601 [3] 01 02 03).
Here's the definition of message 0x601 (3 bytes in total, 1 uint8 followed by a uint16):
"0x601": {
"name": "EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC",
"bus": "hs",
"length": 3,
"is_fd": false,
"is_j1939": false,
"is_extended": false,
"byte_frame_is_big_endian": false,
"bit_position_reversed": false,
"signals": {
"idConvertersDC": {
"name": "EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.idConvertersDC",
"bit_position": 0,
"bit_size": 8,
"factor": 1,
"offset": 1,
"writable": false,
"unit": "N/A",
"min_value": 1,
"max_value": 2
"softwareVersion": {
"name": "EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.softwareVersion",
"bit_position": 8,
"bit_size": 16,
"factor": 1,
"offset": 0,
"writable": false,
"unit": "N/A",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 65535
The expected values are:
- for EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.idConvertersDC: 2, because the value sent is 0x01, the factor is 1 and the offset is 1.
- for EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.softwareVersion: 770, because the value sent is 0x0203 in little endian, the factor is 1 and the offset 0.
Here're canbus-binding logs:
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Data available: 16 bytes read. BCM head, opcode: 12, can_id: 1537, nframes: 1
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Got a legacy CAN frame
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Found id: 601, format: 0, length: 3, data 0102030000000000
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Here is the next can message : id 1537 length 3, data 12300000
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Decoded message from parse_signal_bitfield: 515.000000
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Emojy_v1.5/ CAN signals processed.
EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.softwareVersion is decoded as 515 (0x0203) instead of 770 (0x0302).
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Here is the next can message : id 1537 length 3, data 12300000
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Decoded message from parse_signal_bitfield: 2.000000
<sup>[[95mDEBUG<sup>[[0m:</sup></sup> <sup>[[1m[API</sup> canbus]<sup>[[0m</sup> Emojy_v1.5/EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.idConvertersDC CAN signals processed.
EMOJY.SysInfo.ConvertersDC.idConvertersDC is decoded as 2 as expected.